Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Interior Design colour tips for beginners

Creating a beautiful and harmonious space requires an eye for aesthetics, a touch of style, a lot of common sense, and some creative imagination. The way the space is organised in any room or building can have a huge impact on the occupants of that space. If a room is too cluttered or crowded for example, psychologists believe that it can have a negative effect on mood and even on health.

Imagine how difficult it would be to feel relaxed and comfortable in a living room or a bedroom that has a clinical atmosphere and is too brightly lit or if the colours are garish and harsh on the eye. Similarly, it would be incredibly difficult to concentrate and remain focused in an office that has subdued lighting and that is more suited for relaxation. Obviously the colour schemes used in any room must fit the purpose of that room.

An important point to remember is that what looks attractive to one individual may actually repel another. Not everyone would enjoy an African theme with all its oranges and browns. Some may prefer a minimalist look using a lot of pale colours, whereas for others this would feel too empty and spacious. Perhaps you would feel a lot more comfortable in a cosy cottage style with plenty of colour distractions for the eye. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what is considered aesthetically pleasing will also depend to some extent on fashions and trends which of course are always changing and what is in today might be out tomorrow so really you have to find what suits you.

Getting it right first time means you have to identify what you actually like and what you don't and then use your creative and practical abilities to come up with a suitable colour palette to match your unique taste and style. As colour can have a dramatic effect on our mood it's essential that you get the colour scheme right because you don't want to complete the project only to find that you can't tolerate it. Think about the mood you want to create in a particular room and what colours are associated with that mood and choose your colour palette accordingly.

Once you have identified what appeals to you and have taken into consideration the practicalities of your design there are some tips and tricks to help you get that special and unique look or feel to your rooms.

Creative use of colour

The first step would be to choose your main colour and then offset that with other complimentary hues. Varying shades of the same colour can be effective as can completely contrasting colours. It really depends on what appeals to you and whether you can live with it or not.

* Warm colours such as reds, orange, browns and shades of yellow can give a cosy atmosphere and exude warmth, comfort and security so could work well in living rooms or any room that you want to feel relaxing.

* If you want a calmer more serene or tranquil atmosphere then you might opt for cooler colours such as different shades of blues and greens.

* Really bright and vibrant colours can reflect energetic or dynamic personalities and therefore ideal for a child's playroom or craft room or even a kitchen.

* Be creative with colour, you could be pleasantly surprised.

If you plan to cover your walls with a coat of paint then always test the colour on a patch of wall first just to make sure that it's exactly what you want because paint will look darker when it has dried. Remember that the final effect of whatever colour you choose will also be influenced by light too so check what your colour will look like at different times of the day and under artificial lighting before you paint the entire wall.

If you want to create an illusion of space in a smaller room then lighter shades can help particularly if you keep the floor space in a darker shade. Similarly, if you want a room to appear smaller try using warmer shades on the walls but be careful of using too many strong colours.

Check each room at different times of the day to get an idea of the amount of light coming in and the effect that might have on the colour scheme.

Finding inspiration

If you need inspiration for choosing your colour scheme, take a look around at what others have done, browse through catalogues and see what colours jump out at you. Look to see what other colours have been used in the room in order to create that effect and then set about recreating it in your own space.

Colour really can make or break a room, but fortunately, there are no hard and fast rules to follow because if it works for you, that is ultimately what really matters


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