Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Sunday, August 17, 2008

AutoCAD Training - 2007 - 8302-Creating 3D Architectural Models Fast.html

In this project you master the most traditional approach to creating 3D buildings. Specifically, you learn how to start with a 2D floor plan and change the thickness of the wall lines to push them into the third dimension.

This method of creating three-dimensional walls is quick, requires little drawing preparation, and yields walls you can hide, shade and apply materials to.
You learn how to:
* Change the Thickness of an 2D Object to make it Three Dimensional
* Change the Elevation of an object to position it above the current drawing plane.
* Use the REGION command to create opaque planes in a 3D mode.
* Remove hidden lines from a perspective view of a 3D object.
* Quickly create 2D Elevations from 3D objects.
* Define a user coordinate system, or drawing plane, by selecting three points on an object.
* Move objects from one user coordinate system to another.

Instructions for plotting hidden and shaded views of 3D models appear in other Complete Support tutorials.


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