Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Monday, March 16, 2009

AutoCAD Design Challenge… You game?

I’ve been working with AutoCAD 2010 so much that I’ve practically forgotten the *old* way of doing things. Maybe you can help me out! I’ve posted two drawings BEFOREGC.DWG and AFTERGC.DWG. Each drawing includes a closed polyline and two circles.


The only difference between the two drawings is the width of the part as indicated by the red dimensions.


The challenge is to edit the “BEFORE” drawing so that it matches the “AFTER” drawing using default AutoCAD functionality in AutoCAD 2009 or older with the fewest number of clicks. Don’t include dimensions; I only included them in the image for clarification. If you’re up for the challenge, please submit your solution as a comment in this post. Include the number of clicks and the steps to reproduce your solution.

So, what do you think? You game?


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