Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sheets Happen Document

If you have been following the Sheets Happen series, congratulations! You've made it through the first section. By now you should be enjoying increased productivity with a minimal investment in time and effort.

At the beginning of this series, I posted a diagram showing the topics I would cover. As I posted the content, I broke some of the topics into smaller sections. The following diagram reflects those changes in the yellow section. As I begin covering the more advanced topics, the blue and pink sections may change as well.


So far, I have covered all of the topics in yellow. To make those topics easier for you to follow and implement, I posted a cumulative document with all of the Sheets Happen posts. I will continue to update the document as I post more information. Download sheets_happen.doc

Also, I've opened this post for comments. I'm interested in hearing how your sheet sets are coming along.


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