Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Let us first remember what EXTRUDE command is before going into detail. This information provides you to better understand the use of EXTRUDE command. The definition of EXTRUDE can be put in this way: Forcing to flow a pre-heated metal or plastic material in high pressure through a mold which is constructed for forming an target object.
The modeling toolbar is newly designed in AutoCAD 2007. Yet, some functions of it have already been exist in older versions. Likewise, the method of solid modeling and EXTRUDE command are ways of transforming the object from 2D to 3D which is frequently used in other versions.
Let us examine the method.
Typing ‘Extrude’ into the command line and pressing enter or selecting the icon marked in the modeling toolbar above request the object to be extruded.
Select objects to extrude:
Upon the selection of the object, we are asked for which one of the four extruding methods will be used.
Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/ Path/ Taper angle] <36.2829>:

Let us go on with the first method. You can enter a value that designates the height among the Z axis or point dynamically with mouse.
Fig.4 An Extrude generated by entering the height only.

Let us extrude an object with Taper Angle option.

In this case, our object is a circle. Run the command and select the object.
Select objects to extrude:
Taper angle is selected.

Specify height of extrusion or [Direction /Path /Taper angle] <0>: T

The value of angle is entered.
Specify angle of taper for extrusion <0>:15

The desired height is chosen.

Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] <0>:100

When the input parameters are set, an object like the one below should be formed.
Now let us check for what the input parameters (angle and height) are used by looking the object sideways.
Let us extrude an object with Path option.
Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/ Path/ Taper angle] <0>: P
A POLYLINE can be selected for path (You can construct a pline by typing it into the command line). The solid model should be seen like the one below after the command is concluded and appropriate view angle is selected.
Direction option
Direction method is similar with path option. The coordinates of the points that the object is going to be extruded have to be specified. Let me explain it with an example.
Run the extrude command and choose the direction option.
Select objects to extrude: Specify height of extrusion or [Direction/Path/Taper angle] <0>: D

The start and end points of the direction are specified.
Specify start point of direction: 0,0,0 Specify end point of direction: 0,10,40
To better understand it, run the ‘DIST’ command and choose the first and the second points.

DIST Specify first point: Specify second point:
Delta X = 0.0000, Delta Y = 10.0000, Delta Z = 40.0000


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