Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sheets Happen....ed!

Well, that’s it!!! If you have followed me through the entire Sheets Happen! series to successfully implement your own sheet sets, you now know everything I do about sheet sets! Congrats!

If you’re just getting started, you have the information, now you just need a few minutes, here and there, to begin implementing it.

I posted a final version of the Sheets Happen! document based on the following outline. Note that I added the March 24, 2006 posting, “Automating textual data using fields” for the Creating Fields section and renumbered the Steps from that point (step 14) on. That posting serves as an introduction to sheet set fields even though most of the content from that post can be used without sheet sets.


Good luck and remember these Dos and Don’ts:

  • Do verify that the block you are editing is the same version as the one being used by the sheet set manager.
  • Do create a new sheet each time you test updates to your attribute definitions to ensure that you are using the new block definition.
  • Do erase and reinsert existing block insertions if you have updated the block definition with fields.
  • Don’t insert fields in attribute values (block instances).
  • Don’t edit field data (grey text) in a drawing.


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