Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dynamic Cycling

When inserting a dynamic block, you may want to choose between multiple insertion points. For example, this pipe block has a default insertion point at the middle of the right edge. If you want to insert a new pipe so that the left side of the new one fits in the right side of the existing one, you can press the Ctrl key to cycle between valid insertion points upon insertion.


So, how do you create valid insertion points for a dynamic block?

Using the Block Editor, you can view the grips for all parameters in the dynamic block. When you select a parameter grip (not the entire parameter… only the grip), you can use the Property palette to view and edit the grip properties. Every grip includes a “Cycling” property, which is enabled by default. If you don’t want a grip to be included as an insertion point upon block insertion, you must set its cycling property to “No”.


When you combine insertion point cycling with dynamic block alignment, you can quickly insert blocks with the correct location and orientation right off the bat!


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