Title - Autocad Lesson Plans
Title - Autocad Lesson Plans
By - Mel
Primary Subject - Computers / Internet
Secondary Subjects - Other
Grade Level - 11-12
Mr. Mel's
Technical Drafting / AutoCAD
Course Performance Objectives and Lesson Plans
Upon completion of this program the student should be able to:
I. Define drafting.
A. Select areas of specialization within the drafting profession and name areas in which a drafter and a drawing will be evaluated.
B. Read reference materials and ANSI standards.
C. Identify the purpose of the components found in the AutoCAD graphics screen.
D. Obtain HELP when using AutoCAD commands.
E. Maintain AutoCAD files.
II. State the purpose and procedures for various types of sketching and lettering.
A. Neatly letter freehand.
B. Place notes and specifications on drawings.
C. Practice use of DTEXT, STYLE and MTEXT commands. Edit and change text.
III. Label points and surfaces, construct auxiliaries of lines, points, planes and curved surfaces, determine true angle between planes and determine shortest distance between lines.
C. Apply the ERASE, REDRAW, and OOPS commands, transparent commands, and object selection options.
D. Introduce alternative methods for selecting and editing entities.
E. Apply the U, REDO, and UNDO commands.
IV. Identify basic drafting tools.
A. Demonstrate the ability to use various drafting tools and properly care for them.
B. Operate printer/plotter.
V. Describe measuring devices.
A. Accurately measure with devices using various scale ratios.
B. Utilize the ZOOM, REGEN, and VIEWRES commands.
C. Apply PAN and VIEW commands.
D. Create and use viewports.
E. Prepare for a new drawing using DDUNITS, LIMITS and STATUS commands.
F. Create prototype drawings.
VI. Geometric construction.
A. Identify and construct basic geometric shapes.
B. Enter coordinates using the absolute, relative, and polar methods.
C. Apply the object snap feature and the APERATURE, OSNAP, and DDOSNAP commands.
D. Control AutoCAD features including the coordinate display, ortho, the TIME command, the AutoCAD Text and Command Windows, and the SAVETIME system variable.
VII. Orthographic construction.
A. Identify planes and lines, and construct missing hidden and visible lines, views, points and planes in orthographic views.
B. Apply the GRID, SNAP, XLINE, and RAY commands.
C. Control layers and linetypes.
VIII. Dimensioning.
A. Relate dimensioning to correct size, shape and location.
B. Apply dimensioning capabilities, including associative dimensioning and basic dimensioning system variables.
C. Apply basic tolerancing features.
IX. Manufacturing processes.
A. Design parts for manufacturing processes.
B. Alter entities using the CHAMFER, BREAK, FILLET, OFFSET, and MLINE commands.
C. Apply the CHANGE, MOVE, COPY, and MIRROR commands.
D. Create rectangular and polar arrays.
E. Modify entities by using the STRETCH, SCALE, ROTATE, TRIM, EXTEND, and LENGTHEN commands.
F. Apply the TRACE, SOLID, and FILL commands.
G. Apply polylines and spline curves.
X. Identify fasteners and symbols.
A. Construct material symbols and hardware drawings.
B. Create and insert blocks.
C. Create and use library of symbols.
XI. Identify interior details.
A. Construct symbols, full, half, offset, broken out, removed, revolved, rib, aligned and assembly sections.
B. Apply HATCH and SKETCH commands.
XII. Pictorial drawing.
A. Measure in isometric and oblique, construct angles, construct circles and construct oblique and isometric drawings of various objects.
B. Create isometrics using SNAP and ISOPLANE commands.
XIII. Assembly and working drawings.
A. Prepare assembly drawings illustrating dimensioning tolerances.
B. Prepare complete working drawings with accuracy.
C. Generate Bill of Materials using the ATTEXT command.
XIV. Apply AutoCAD's 3D modeling capability.
A. Utilize X/Y/Z point filters.
B. Construct 3D wireframe models using user coordinate systems.
C. Apply the REVSURF and RULESURF commands to the construction of 3D curved surfaces.
D. Create and edit 3D primitives.
E. Shade and render 3D models.
This knowledge will be evidenced by correctly performing the procedures outlined on the assignment sheets, scoring a 3 or better on performance tests and by scoring 78 percent or better on written tests.
I need to design my extension but don't want to pay thousands of dollars/pounds? It needs to work on OS X. Thanks.
Solidworks Training
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