Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Joining corners by using FILLET

Murat has already explained about FILLET in his article. In this article, I will give you some additional useful tips that you can use together with this command.
Fig.1 There is an un-joined corner in the door drawing.

Sometimes, there can be un-joined corners or some corners that are overflowing through the lines that are connecting at that corner. There is a very easy way to correct them by using TRIM command. FILLET R=0.

In case of Fig. 1 or in overflowing corners case, enter FILLER command and make sure that Radius parameter is set to 0. Then, select the corners that will be corrected. Don’t forget that, for the surplus parts, you should select the sides which you would like them to remain.
Fig.2 After completion of editing

I hope this small tip is useful for you. Have a nice day.


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