Transitioning from 2d to 3d autocad drawings

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Introduction to AutoCAD 2009: 1 - New user interface

Although we have been using AutoCAD 2009 for months, we introduce you just now since its newly come publication permission. AutoCAD 2009 has a new great user interface which we know from Microsoft Office 2007. (Figure 1)
Figure.1 - The Ribbon

The showy menu placed on the upper side of the screen is called RIBBON as it is in the Office program. Actually DASHBOARD which we are introduced in AutoCAD 2007 is replaced with RIBBON. The command name is also changed as ribbon. The ribbon is separated into 6-8 tabs and each tab is also separated into panels. Tabs and their contents change according to WORKSPACES which provides an efficient usage.

Apart from visible parts of the panels, additional commands are also added to the expandable part. (Figure 2)
Figure 2

Upon pressing the PIN below, panel becomes fixed and stationary. In addition, alternative uses of some commands are prepared as FLYOUT’s and can be accessed from the little black triangle on the sides (Figure 3).
Figure 3

There is also a menu browser for those who are anxious about finding usual commands or missing old menus (Figure 4).
Figure 4

The browser can be accessed by pressing the big red A letter on the top left of the screen. It was pretty difficult to get used to the RIBBON when I first started to use Office 2007. But I am now addicted to it and never think about the old menus. I can easily say; the same situation is also valid for AutoCAD 2009. Yet, command search option of the menu browser is very attractive. If you have trouble with finding the command you want, just type it on the command search engine and enjoy the results (Figure 5)
Figure 5

The result is very impressive. The output also contains the user customized menus.

File preview is another feature in AutoCAD. The recently worked documents are listed in detail and a preview window appears when you hold the mouse on it (Figure 6).
Figure 6

You can add your favorite commands into the quick access toolbar (Figure 7).

Figure 7

This menu can also be customized. There are also useful arrangements in the status bar. We are going to mention them in detail in the upcoming AutoCAD 2009 articles. But here is the view (Figure 8).
Figure 8

Mostly used and a few newly come options are added to it. It can be changed according to the workspace. The complete state can be seen in Figure 9.
Figure 9 (taken from AutoCAD 2009 Preview Guide)


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